Saturday, July 28, 2018
Sony Xperia Go ICS 6 1 1 B 1 54 custom kernel CWM Touch 5 5 0 4 stable
Sony Xperia Go ICS 6 1 1 B 1 54 custom kernel CWM Touch 5 5 0 4 stable
You no need ics ftf firmware because all ics things working perfectly on gingerbread bootloader and radio, so you can install an stock gingerbread ftf by flashtool and install mine gb boot+cwm, than you can create your own firmware from cwm sony tools menu. Benefits using gingerbread firmware with my cwm is:
- you can make gingerbread backup
- than you can install ics from my ics thread
- than you can install ics boot+cwm from my thread
- than you can make ics backup
So now you have two backups, one is gingerbread backup and seccond is ics backup, than you can reboot into recovery and easilly restore backup (ics or gingerbread) without needs for mesing with ics radio and bootloader firmware, without needs for computer...etc, all switches you can perform from recovery...! So again, simple steps: install stock gingerbread firmware, installgingerbread boot+cwm, boot android, reboot to recovery, make backup (its gingerbread backup), install ics boot+cwm, reboot to recovery, install ics, boot android, reboot to recovery, make another backup(its ics backup), you are done

Diference between mine gingerbread cwm and ics cwm is:
- gingerbread cwm full working!!! (you can generate flashable firmware from sony menu)
- ics cwm not working full! (there missing usb mass storage mode, missing zip generator, but everything other is the same like gingerbread cwm)
- ics cwm version is touch screen bassed, gingerbread cwm is not touch bassed